Sunday, January 2, 2011

new moon

so i stayed home sick from work today & caught up on some blogs:
namely my friend kari, she did a bunch of daily journal/comic things a while back & i read them all~
and then i thought since it was the first of the year only yesterday that i should try to do it seems like a great way to remember things that happened...esp since i'm not too great at remembering things that happened.

one day i'll get a scanner & you will be able to read them! i prob won't post many til then :\


  1. Oh my God Hil!! I am really bad at keeping track of my blog so I *just* saw your comment!! I didnt even know you had this?? It was really nice going through all your stuff again and it's made me want to draw really bad!
    I love reading other peoples journal comics. Do moooree.

    KEEP UPDATING. (even if they are photos and not scans) I promise to update if you do? <3 <3 <3

  2. Ahoy! This is Jess! I found you in the wilds of Blogger..Like Kari said hopefully you'll post more here. I'd be happy to mail you my scanner. Now if I could shrink it down and fit it in an envelope...hrmmmm
