oh hey so yeah, i've just regained my internet abilities so heres what i had been working on in the meantime.
kind of a little show to throw into a coffeeshop. sometimes its hard for me to come up with images that arent violent in some way, so i feel like a few of these are a little awkward. hopefully someone wants to buy them anyway.
they are also small, the kitties are 3"x5", the birdhouse & chameleon 4"x6", tho the chameleon's frame is slightly larger. i love that frame, it'll hurt to part with it.

been doodling ideas for paintings & such in the cachet a lot. sometimes doodles grow a bit large, tho.

this isnt finished, as you can see the eyes are penciled in, they look really pretty blank and the addition of those details changed the mood of the picture drastically.
what do you think?